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Diary of Frank Curry

Frank Curry was in the Royal Canadian Navy and served during the Battle of the Atlantic he kept a diary during the Battle of the Atlantic.

His perspective is as a regular sailor and not an officer, it gives one person’s view of the Battle. His diary shows what was happening at sea during the Battle of the Atlantic. The diary revels that he was a young man, that it was physically and mentally hard to in the Royal Canadian Navy on convey duty.  It helps to understand the event as he writes down his feelings, and his description of event during the battle and of everyday life at sea.  Reading the diary it is clear that the Battle of the Atlantic wasn’t easy.  The diary as a source is more real and direct and less of a textbook summary.

MLA: Veterans Affairs Canada. Government of Canada, 23 Oct. 2014. Web. 31 May 2016.

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